It advances when you remove an obstacle in the Home Village. The second cycle governs the number of Gems you receive from spawned obstacles in your Home Village.The first cycle applies to original obstacles in the Home Village (those that spawned when you first created your Home Village).This means that clearing an obstacle advances only one of the below cycles and has no effect on the position of the other cycles. These cycles all occur concurrently and are independent of each other, including those for Obstacles in the Builder Base. There are two cycles governing the number of Gems you receive by removing obstacles in your Home Village.Each obstacle that is removed can contain anywhere from 0 to 6 Gems.After the Halloween 2014 update, the required time to remove all obstacles except Mushrooms was reduced.Troops can be spawned beside and/or on top of obstacles that are not 3x3 in size.There is an achievement called " Nice and Tidy" which gives players Experience and Gems for removing obstacles.Obstacles stashed in Village Edit Mode will still count towards this limit.Gem Boxes and holiday-themed obstacles ignore this limit when spawning and can spawn even if more than 45 obstacles are present on the village.

Your village can have a maximum of 45 obstacles at one time - if this limit is reached or exceeded, regular obstacles will no longer spawn until obstacles are removed.Canceling the removal of an obstacle will refund you 100% of the resources spent, compared to the 50% refund on all other upgrades.If you accidentally set a Builder to remove an obstacle, you can cancel it if the button is tapped before the Builder is finished.The obstacle can also be removed normally afterwards, though this does not provide further compensation beyond the standard rewards for removal. The obstacle can also be stashed in Village Edit Mode similar to Decorations. If a Shovel of Obstacles is used on an obstacle, that obstacle will be permanently movable like any other building.To free up space for buildings to be placed, the player must either remove the obstacles with a Builder or relocate it elsewhere with a Shovel of Obstacles. While a player can still build villages without being hindered by obstacles (by building around them or choosing a relatively clear location), it is significantly harder to do so at higher levels.Obstacles are structures that obstruct the placement of a village's Buildings.

You can remove them if you have an available Builder and a small amount of Gold or Elixir. You start with about 40 obstacles around your village. Obstacles are trees, logs, rocks, and other foliage that is randomly placed in your village.