President’s daughter who has been kidnapped.Finding his way to a rural village in Europe, he faces new threats that are a departure from the traditional lumbering zombie enemies of the earlier instalments in the series. Kennedy is sent on a mission to rescue the U.S.

↑ Resident Evil 4 Remake Deluxe Edition Treasure Map is Causing Controversy - GameRant - last accessed on " What Resident Evil fans have taken issue with is a Treasure Map: Expansion item that unlocks new treasures in Resident Evil 4 that can't be obtained otherwise." About This Game (Release: 2014) In resident evil 4, special agent Leon S.↑ 2.0 2.1 Resident Evil 4 Title Update - ResidentEvil - last accessed on.

Resident Evil 4 Remake (100 Save Game) PC 1 points 0 comments.